Chicago VA Disability Lawyer for Agent Orange and Herbicide Exposure

Illinois Attorney Helping Vietnam Veterans Receive Benefits for Exposure to Harmful Chemicals
U.S. military veterans may qualify for disability compensation through the Department of Veterans Affairs if they have health conditions related to their service. Vietnam veterans may experience many different health issues, including diseases or cancers caused by Agent Orange exposure. Vietnam veterans may receive disability benefits if they can show their health conditions were caused by exposure to harmful chemicals used in Vietnam. An attorney who understands the procedures and requirements of disability compensation appeals can help veterans receive benefits that address their health conditions.
The Veterans Practice, Ltd. provides legal help to veterans seeking disability benefits from the VA. Attorney Cornell has assisted thousands of veterans who served in Vietnam and other conflicts, and she is dedicated to helping those who served our country obtain the benefits they need and deserve. Her firm focuses exclusively on VA benefit appeals, and she makes the necessary legal arguments and compiles the proper evidence to ensure the VA grants disability compensation.
Disability Compensation for Conditions Related to Agent Orange
During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military used herbicides to clear vegetation. Millions of gallons of Agent Orange and other chemical agents were sprayed throughout Vietnam and Laos, and military personnel who served in these countries may have been exposed to these chemicals. Other veterans may also have been affected, including those who served on Air Force bases and had contact with planes containing these herbicides, those who were involved in transporting or storing Agent Orange or other chemical agents, or those assigned as reservists on certain military bases.
The VA has linked multiple illnesses and health conditions to Agent Orange exposure and will presume that if a veteran has any of these, and served in certain areas during a specific time period, they are from that exposure and grant disability compensation. Generally, the VA will presume that any veterans who served in Vietnam between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975, as well as those who served on military vessels within 12 nautical miles of Vietnam were exposed to herbicides. Veterans who were exposed to herbicides while serving in the DMZ in South Korea or Thailand may also qualify for compensation if certain requirements are met.
If a Vietnam veteran meets the VA's requirements for presumption due to herbicide exposure, they will qualify for VA disability benefits if they have any of these diseases:
- Chronic B-cell leukemia
- Hodgkin's disease
- Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Lung cancer and other respiratory cancers affecting organs such as the larynx or trachea
- Prostate cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Soft tissue sarcomas affecting the muscles, fat, blood vessels, or lymphatic system
- Multiple myeloma affecting white blood cells in bone marrow
- Ischemic heart disease
- Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism
- Type 2 diabetes
- Peripheral neuropathy affecting the nervous system, which can lead to numbness, tingling, and weakness in the muscles
- Hypothyroidism, which can lead to additional health problems, including heart disease, joint pain, obesity, and infertility
- Chloracne and other similar skin conditions
- Porphyria cutanea tarda, a disease that affects the liver
- AL amyloidosis, a condition in which abnormal proteins affect organs such as the heart, liver, or kidneys
Certain conditions must have led to a disability rating of at least 10 percent within one year of exposure to Agent Orange. If a condition is not included on the list of diseases presumed to be related to Agent Orange, a veteran may still be able to qualify for disability compensation, but they will need to provide evidence demonstrating that their condition resulted from the exposure.
Contact a Greater Chicago Agent Orange Exposure Attorney
If you are a veteran who was exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides, and the VA denied your compensation claim, Attorney Cornell can help you with your appeal. Contact her by calling 708-668-6996 and setting up a free consultation. She assists with cases involving VA benefits in Chicago, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, and any other state in the U.S.