Illinois Disability Compensation Attorney for Vietnam Veterans

Chicago Lawyer Helping Veterans Who Served in Vietnam Receive VA Disability Benefits
Around 2.7 million people served in the United States military during the Vietnam War. While this conflict officially ended in 1975, it continues to affect the lives of many veterans. Those who were wounded are likely to experience ongoing health issues and continue to feel the impact of their service, suffering from physical or mental conditions that affect their ability to work. The Department of Veterans Affairs provides multiple types of benefits for Vietnam veterans, including disability compensation that addresses health issues related to their military service.
Veterans can increase their chances of receiving VA disability benefits by working with a lawyer who has experience in these matters. Attorney Catherine Cornell focuses solely on cases involving veteran's benefits and is dedicated to helping her clients receive compensation for service-related disabilities. She advises veterans on the appellate process and the steps that need to be taken to obtain the benefits you deserve.
Disability Compensation for Vietnam Veterans
Veterans who experience issues related to their military service that affect their ability to work, earn an income, and support themselves may receive VA benefits that help them address their ongoing needs. Disability compensation may address issues such as:
- Physical disabilities - Vietnam veterans may experience multiple different physical injuries from being wounded in the war. These injuries may affect their ability to work and function. Illnesses contracted during service or diseases that affect a veteran's health may also qualify them for disability compensation.
- Mental health - Vietnam veterans may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can cause debilitating issues such as depression, anxiety, flashbacks, hypervigilance, paranoia, and many others. Mental health symptoms can also lead to substance abuse or other unhealthy behaviors that may affect a veteran's ability to maintain employment and function in their daily lives. By showing that mental health issues stemmed from Vietnam service, veterans can ensure that they receive compensation for these disabilities.
- Agent Orange exposure - Soldiers who had boots on the ground or served in Vietnam's waterways or along the coast may have been exposed to chemical herbicides known to cause multiple types of health issues. The VA presumes that Agent Orange and other herbicides caused certain illnesses, cancers, and conditions, which means that veterans who have any of these diagnoses automatically qualify for disability compensation.
Contact a Chicago Area Vietnam Veteran Disability Compensation Lawyer
Vietnam veterans may receive VA disability benefits for multiple types of conditions. If you are a veteran who suffers from a physical disability, struggles with mental health issues, or has an illness that may have been caused by exposure to harmful chemicals, The Veterans Practice, Ltd. can appeal the VA's denial of disability compensation. Catherine Cornell can also help you address incorrect disability ratings assigned by the VA. Contact The Veterans Practice today by calling 708-668-6996 and arranging a free consultation. Catherine helps Vietnam veterans with matters related to VA disability benefits in Illinois and the greater Chicago region and also serves clients in Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, and any other state in the country.