Illinois VA Benefits Attorney for Mental Health and PTSD

Chicago Lawyer Helping Veterans Receive Disability Benefits for Depression and Mental Illness
Many veterans struggle with mental health issues as a result of their service. A veteran's military experiences can affect them for the rest of their life. In many cases, veterans experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related issues that never go away but rather must be managed. Psychological trauma can impact all areas of a veteran's life, including their relationships with loved ones, ability to care for themselves, and employment. Veterans who have been diagnosed with mental health conditions as a result of their service may qualify for VA disability compensation. However, often the VA denies compensation applications, and a veteran needs the help of an experienced attorney to file an appeal and keep fighting for these benefits.
At The Veterans Practice, Ltd., Catherine Cornell works to guide veterans through the process of appealing the VA's unfavorable decisions. Attorney Catherine Cornell devotes her legal practice exclusively to representing veterans when the Department of Veterans Affairs denies compensation. She believes in providing compassionate representation for veterans and is dedicated to fighting for the benefits they deserve.
VA Disability Benefits for Mental Health Issues
Veterans commonly experience mental health conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Traumatic experiences, such as combat or military sexual trauma, can have long-lasting effects that impact many areas of a veteran's life. These effects may include:
- Mood disorders - Many veterans experience depression and anxiety, which can affect their ability to concentrate on work or interact with others. Veterans may also struggle to regulate their emotions, and they may experience extreme anger, unprovoked irritability, or unrelenting sadness. These issues can sometimes lead to suicidal ideations or actions, as well as alcohol or drug abuse.
- Reliving trauma - A veteran may have disturbing memories or flashbacks, and in addition to emotional distress, this can lead to physical symptoms such as nausea. Veterans can also suffer from nightmares or difficulty sleeping. Sleep disorders can affect a veteran's ability to get enough rest, leading to drowsiness and fatigue during the day that may affect their ability to work and function.
- Avoidance and withdrawal - Veterans may avoid people, situations, or locations that remind them of their traumatic experiences. This may affect many areas of their lives, including their ability to work. Withdrawal from interacting with others can lead to isolation that may worsen other mental health issues.
To receive disability compensation for PTSD or related issues, a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or another mental health professional must diagnose the veteran with the condition. In most instances, veterans also need to show these conditions resulted from service-related stressors. One exception to this general rule is if the veteran was in combat. If a VA or VA contracted medical professional states that the veteran's PTSD resulted from combat, the VA will agree the stressor occurred, and no other proof is needed. Other traumatic experiences a veteran survived in service may also qualify, but the veteran will need proof that they happened.
If the VA approves the compensation application, they will assign a veteran a disability rating, which reflects how much the condition affects their ability to work. This rating is used to determine the amount of monthly benefits a veteran receives. Disability ratings range from 10 to 100 percent. For example, if mental health issues only occasionally affect a veteran's ability to perform work-related tasks, they may receive a disability rating of 30 percent, while symptoms such as frequent panic attacks or impairments to memory or judgment may result in a disability rating of 50 percent.
Contact a Chicago Area Veteran PTSD Disability Attorney
If you have PTSD, depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues from military service, and the VA denied your compensation claim, The Veterans Practice, Ltd. can assist with your appeal. Catherine Cornell will help you gather and submit evidence that shows that your disability is service-connected, and she will work to make sure you receive your compensation. Contact the office today by calling 708-668-6996 to schedule a complimentary consultation. Catherine Cornell assists veterans with mental health concerns and other issues in the greater Chicago area and throughout Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and any other state in the country.