Illinois Veteran Sleep Apnea Disability Lawyer

Attorney Helping Veterans Receive Disability Compensation for Sleep Apnea in the Chicago Area
Veterans who served in the United States military may suffer from various disabilities, and if they can show these conditions resulted from their service, they may be able to receive VA disability compensation. Sleep apnea is a condition that commonly affects veterans, and it may be secondarily caused by other service-connected health issues, or it may lead to other conditions that can affect a veteran's overall health. Veterans can work with an attorney to address sleep apnea and related issues and receive VA disability benefits to help them meet their ongoing financial needs.
At The Veterans Practice, Ltd., Catherine Cornell concentrates her practice exclusively on helping veterans and their family members obtain VA benefits. Attorney Catherine Cornell has worked with thousands of clients to appeal their compensation claims after he VA denies them. She can provide you with the legal representation you need to ensure you receive benefits.
VA Disability Compensation for Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes people to periodically stop breathing while they are sleeping. Obstructive sleep apnea may occur when the muscles in a person's throat relax, blocking their airways. Central sleep apnea may occur if a person's brain does not send the proper signals to their lungs to ensure continuous breathing. Complex sleep apnea syndrome may involve both types of sleep apnea.
To qualify for disability compensation, a veteran needs to show that their sleep apnea resulted from their military service or stemmed from a condition that is already service-connected, called "secondary service connection." For example, if a veteran has post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), they may develop sleep apnea as a result of that illness. Other service-connected conditions may also cause a veteran to develop sleep apnea and related sleep disorders.
If a veteran has service-related sleep apnea, the VA will assign a disability rating that reflects the severity of their condition. If sleep apnea causes hypersomnolence, or excessive fatigue or drowsiness during the day, the VA will assign a 30 percent rating. If a doctor prescribes a veteran a CPAP machine for sleep apnea, the VA will assign a disability rating of 50 percent. The VA will assign a 100 percent disability rating if a veteran suffers chronic respiratory failure that affects the ability to remove carbon dioxide from the blood or if they require a tracheostomy to treat their condition.
Contact an Illinois Veteran Disability Benefits Attorney
Sleep apnea can lead to serious health concerns, including high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic headaches, and an increased risk of strokes. If you are a veteran who suffers from sleep apnea, The Veterans Practice, Ltd. can help you provide evidence showing it stemmed from your military service or resulted from a different service-connected condition. To schedule a free consultation, contact Catherine Cornell at 708-668-6996. She helps veterans address issues related to VA disability benefits in Chicago and the surrounding areas and also represents clients throughout Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, and any other state in the country.